
Key Biscayne Accident (May-2022) Get Useful Info!

Key Biscayne Accident

Read the article about the Key Biscayne accident to learn more about the incident. Read the full article to learn more.

It is very sad to wake up to the news of death on Sunday afternoon. Have you heard the news of two cyclist deaths in the United States? To learn more about this tragic incident, please read the following article.

Recently, many and frequent accidents happen in the country. People lose their lives due to various factors such as speed, lack of proper safety measures and negligence. After some research by our team, we found some news about the Key Biscayne accident.

Bicycle accident news

A tragic accident occurred on the Rickenbacker Causeway on Sunday afternoon. The incident claimed the lives of two cyclists caused by a vehicle being struck.

The victim became known as husband and wife. These two were hit by a jeep and found dead on the spot. Miami police rushed to the scene as soon as they received the information. Miami firefighters had pronounced her dead at the scene after checking her so they would get medical attention immediately. Let’s dive into the news of the Key Biscayne bike accident.

Accident investigations:

The jeep hit the two cyclists badly and continued to move without noticing the incident. However, the police had arrested the driver for further questioning about the accident. People in the area immediately ran to help them, but to no avail. As soon as they saw them, a witness said they ran to the victims and took their pulses, but found no hope.

The cyclists’ injuries were serious, the jeep rolled over them and gruesomely killed the two cyclists, according to the mob present at the scene.

Bicycle accident in Key Biscayne:

Cyclists fear for their safety on the road. According to police, the incident happened around 4:55 p.m.

A 50-year-old man, who occasionally rides a bike on the Causeway to stay healthy and cycles several times a week, thought stricter rules should be put in place to keep cyclists safe. He’s one of the witnesses. Police had manned the entry and exit lanes to investigate and traffic had been severely delayed.

What are people saying about the Key Biscayne accident?

People had shared their news about the scene they saw. They said people were busy in the jeep while the incident was taking place. The identity of the victims was not released by the police. Both cyclists were on their way to the causeway when the jeep hit them. The cyclists feared for their lives on the road. They believe that the bicycle is also a means of transportation.

Note: All information available in the article comes from the Internet.


We shared breaking news about the Key Biscayne accident. The article brings you the news about the recent events related to the tragic incident. Click further down for more details. For more updates follow this link.

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