Table of Contents
Pokemon Radical Red seems to live up to fans’ expectations as it offers many new features that will keep players hooked for hours. There are many players who are having trouble playing the game due to the complicated controls and if that is you then look no further because we have a solution for you.
To make your gameplay much easier and more fun we have compiled a list of all Pokemon Radical Red cheats. Yes, the following Pokemon Radical Red cheat codes will help you complete the game in less time.
Before I provide a full list of Pokemon Radical Red cheats, I want to tell you that these codes need to be used correctly. If you use multiple cheats at the same time, there is a chance that you will face crashes or crashing issues in the game.
Pokemon Radical Red cheats and how to use them in 2022
Walk through the walls
509197D3 542975F4
78DA95DF 44018CB4
Entering the above codes grants you the ability to walk through walls and other terrain.
Unlimited Master Ball
820257C4 0001
Pokemon Radical Red cheats and how to use them in 2022
Walk through the walls
509197D3 542975F4
78DA95DF 44018CB4
Entering the above codes grants you the ability to walk through walls and other terrain.
Unlimited Master Ball
820257C4 0001
To get unlimited master ball you need to enter this code and go to any item pc.
Unlimited TM/HM
820257C4 XXXX
To get unlimited TM/HM you need to replace the XXX with the specific TM/HM codes you really want. After the change, go to any item’s PC and get unlimited TM/HM.
Unlimited Rare Candies
820257C4 0044
After entering this code you need to go to any item pc and get unlimited rare candy.
Unlock all badges
EFCE867D 5403D40D
Entering this code will unlock all badges in Pokemon Radical Red.
Unlimited header articles
820257C4 XXXX
In order to get unlimited title items in Pokemon Radical Red, you need to exchange XXX with the specific healing item codes you really want. Once changed go to any item pc and get unlimited title items.
Unlimited miscellaneous items
820257C4 XXXX
As with header items, you must replace XXXX with the desired miscellaneous item codes. Once changed, go to any item pc and get unlimited different items.
unlimited berries
820257C4 XXXX
The process is the same as healing and various items.
You need to change the XXXX with the location code you want to go to where you want to teleport. Once you’ve teleported to the location you want, make sure to turn it off or you’ll end up teleporting over and over again.
Instant Death
C833D1A0 02FA7205
When you enter these codes, your Pokemon will kill the opposing Pokemon in one hit.
Poke-Mart items cost 1
AD86124F 2823D8DA
With the help of these cheat codes, you can buy all items sold in each Poke Mart for 1.
Maximum stats
Here are some codes to use depending on where you are at the party.
1. Pokemon
second Pokemon
Third Pokemon
fourth Pokemon
fifth Pokemon
Sixth Pokemon
shiny Pokémon encounter
1670047D 04815C68
18452A7D DDE55BCC
By entering these codes you will find Wild and Shiny Pokemon.
limited money
Use the following codes to get unlimited money:.
code breaker
820257BC 423F
game shark
29C78059 96542194
unlimited PP
42023C08 6363
00000002 0002
Get Unlimited PP in Pokemon Radical Red with these codes.
Unlimited XP
If you get these codes after each battle, your Pokemon will get unlimited EXP.
That’s all you need to know about Pokemon Radical Red cheat codes.