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Are you looking for cheap products on the Internet? Hopefully you get the relevant information including Nothaza Reviews.
Do you love shopping different items in the same place? As we know, we are moving in a comfortable zone day by day, by using the new technologies, just like online shopping, we can save our precious time without going to the market in a hurry.
In many countries, including the United States, many websites offer many articles on the same portal. Again, we have a website that offers various items such as clothing, furniture, decoration and much more in one place at very affordable prices. If you are looking for the same, you should read Nothaza User Reviews.
What is Noteza?
Nothaza is an ecommerce podium for people from the United States who enjoy buying products online. It has an article about clothing, decoration, furniture, etc. for your customers.
At the moment there are no offers on the site, but as we have already established, the prices for all items are rock-bottom, i.e. only $84.15. Items look attractive depending on the assortment, so you can try them.
But before we shop online, let’s note some important points they can tell us: Is Nothaza legit or a scam?
Properties Of Nothaza
The contact number is available through the website url i.e. 1321-343-3154.
Email support was front-page ie support@nothaza.com.
The company address is also available on the website, which is 190 Marietta St NW Atlanta, GA, 30303, USA.
The company website URL is https://www.nothaza.com/.
Request items such as clothing, furniture, decoration, cosmetics, etc.
Currently there is no discount, but the prices are very low.
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest etc, no link was shared on the site and we check directly but there is nothing. That means you don’t get any traffic on social media sites.
As we have verified, there are no Buyer Nothaza reviews on any website, not even on Trusted Pilot.
You can pay the same amount for each item i.e. H. $84.15, and you can use online payment methods with Discover, PayPal, VISA, Master Card, etc.
Accept returns and refunds within 30 days after the products are delivered to your door.
Positive Factors
The contact number, company address and email address are available on the website so you can visit the company and call them directly with any questions.
You can pay online with different payment options.
The site is absolutely secure.
Negative Factors
The site is too new to the online market, so no user reviews of Nothaza were found on the site or on Trust Pilot.
There is no visible activity on social media sites as no pages are available on Twitter, Facebook, etc.
They shared the fake company address; When we try to find it on Google Maps, it doesn’t exist there.
They sell products at very unrealistic prices so be careful.
So be careful and check all the important points before buying. Also, before making a decision, check the reality and credibility of the portal.
Is Nothaza legit or a scam?
It is a new domain in the online market created on 05/04/2022.
It will be closing soon, on 05/04/2023.
It has a confidence interval of 38.4.
It has a trust rating, i.e. only a very terrible 2%.
There is no point about the founder of the company.
No content on the website is unique as it is copied from another website.
There is no social media page so there is no traffic anywhere.
No comments were found on the experienced user’s site.
The website looks suspicious if we consider the above details. In addition, the point of sale does not exist, so you have to wait for it before paying any amount.
Nothaza User Ratings
Nothaza offers items like furniture, clothing, decoration and much more on the online podium for a very low amount. But to be safe, we must read user experiences, unfortunately we could not find a single review on the site and not on trusted portals. So first check out the links on how to save money from PayPal scams.
Final Judgments
Finally, the site is new, so no Nothaza reviews from users, and it sells products such as clothing, decorative furniture, etc., terrible trust rating, unrealistic prices, wrong company address, etc. . Therefore it is questionable. Follow the way to protect your money from fraud with ta