
Mathematically Correct Sett Build {May 2022} Find Out Here!

Mathematically Correct Sett Build

The boss, Sett, is definitely one of the most chosen characters and also one of the most popular ones. It’s not very difficult to play when the difficulty is set to 1. Matthew Knipfer, creator of Pantheon Build Mathematically Correct, has created a new build called Sett Build Mathematically Correct.

He emailed RossBoomsocks with a spreadsheet of what appears to be the mathematically correct Sett build and why the build is OP. RossBoomsocks has since made a YouTube video of the build and checked the numbers and tested the build as well. Looks like the construction is really cool and very sturdy. The build has become so popular that even Riot’s champion designer, Riot August, tweeted a meme about it.

Learn more about the mathematically correct sett construction

Mathematically correct builds are generally LoL builds made after lots of calculations with different items and stats.

The mathematically correct sett build seems to only build HP and AD. You don’t buy any other stat items and focus mostly on HP and attack damage.
With all other stat items removed, you have very limited AD and HP items to build with.

Mathematically correct building order of sets

Doran leaf
blood baby
Caliber Steraks
black knife
titanic hydra

When you start the game, grab a Doran Sword and a Health Potion. First, target the Bloodbaby along with the Ionian Boots of Lucidity. This will improve your attacks.
Your main build should be Sterak’s Gage, Black Cleaver, Titanic Hydra, and Warmog’s Armor, in that order. Don’t worry if you can’t do the full build as your set should tank more when you buy Black Cleaver.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that in a mathematically correct build you should max out your W to increase damage. Here’s a guide on how to level up your skills in order. See the picture below.

Why is the mathematically correct pavement so overloaded?

The reason this build works so well and fights Sett is because of his Haymaker’s passivity. Whenever Sett takes damage, his passive allows him to regenerate 50% health. Since his passive takes damage, it helps his tank not build defensive items. For more mathematical detail on the reasoning behind this compilation, see this table created by Matthew Knipfer.

So for this build, buying only HP items and Attack items is great. Here is a League of Legends ranking for September.

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