Webiste Review

Magiccrystals Reviews {September} Is This A Legitimate Site Or A Scam?

Magiccrystals Reviews

This guide provides general information about Magiccrystals Reviews and the website. Be careful before buying online.

What is a magic crystal? Does it heal our body and mind – really? Many people from America ask about the existence of magic crystals and how they work. Magical crystals promote healing energy in your body, mind, spirit and home. To use Magiccrystals, visit Magiccrystals Definitions. In this article you will find all the official information about the Magic Crystals website. And products for Magic Crystals websites and more.

From Magiccrystal’s website

Magic Crystal helps people unlock their gifts. And follow their dreams with spiritual tools and their vision crystals. Jorge Martinez created magical crystals with love. In 2016, with a dream in his heart, he opened a shop in the trunk of a car. He shared magic with creatures that inspired us to change the world for the better. Magic Crystals offers many healing crystals. Tanzanite, Ethiopian Opal, Astrophyllite and other rare gemstones have a 30 day money back guarantee.

Is Magiccrystals Legit – Continue reading the options from the Magiccrystals website.

Website Information

Website Structure: A website that sells healing crystals.
Product Type: Tanzanite, Ethiopian Opal, Astrophyllite, Ruby, Imperial Topaz and other rare gems.
Product List: https://www.magiccrystals.com/
Site creation date: September 17, 2002
Joining date: 17 September 2023
Currency: Magic Crystal Purchase Amount @ USD.
Email ID support: None
Store Location Address: Magic Crystals – 24420 South Dixie Highway.
Main Building Suite B-44 (Redland Shopping District),,.
School, FL 33032
Contact support: (305) 791 1846
Delivery Arrangements: Orders are shipped to the sales office in Miami
Shipping: Available for domestic and international shipping.
Delivery time: Immediate delivery ASAP
Other references Magiccrystals, .
Shipping: FREE DROP $44.44
Return order: Accept
Cancellation Policy: Not stated
Refund Policy: Notify or approve within 15 days. Otherwise, the order will be refunded at a rate of 20%.
Remediation Policy: Accept
Tracking Information: Submit a confirmation letter or document with a tracking number.
Payment Method: Instant Payment with Store Option, PayPal and G-Option.

Good news for the boys

The site sells handmade products with a 30-day money-back guarantee
Over 1200 verified customer reviews on the site and 5-star ratings
It offers fast worldwide delivery.
The website magiccrystals.com has a secure SSL/HTTP connection
Free shipping on all orders over $44.44

Negative facts determine that massage crystals are legal?

Information about the owner of the Magiccrystals website is confidential.
Cancellation notices on the magiccrystals.com website are not available.
Shipping costs may be minimal.

Compliance information on the Magiccrystals website

Age of the domain: Magiccrystal’s website is very old, around 20 years old.
Trust Score: The website Magiccrystals.com has a trust score of 60%.
Alexa Rank: Alexa World Rank #1558444
Links to Social Media: The Magiccrystals.com website contains links to social media.
Site Connection Security: Magic Crystal’s website is secured with SSL/HTTP.
Numbers: Call numbers.
Email ID: Not Available.
Customer Review: The site validates reviews of Magiccrystals from customers.
Site Owner Information: Site owner information is hidden and not visible.
Contents Theft: No stolen items were found.
Return order: Accept.
Settlement Policy: Settlements are accepted.
Privacy: The Magic crystal website has a privacy policy.
The above contains legal information about the Magiccrystals website to help you better understand the website. Find Magiccrystal customer reviews here.

Read more about customer reviews

Magical crystals can be found in healing crystals such as tanzanite, Ethiopian opal, ruby, imperial topaz and other rare stones that the site sells. The website has about 20 years of experience selling healing stones online. We found positive reviews on a trusted website. You can find more than 1200 positive verified reviews of Magiccrystals on Magickristalls official website. It also has excellent 5-star ratings for most of its products across all categories. The Magic Crystal website has links to Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter. We do not receive information about site fraud and proximity. So read more about PayPal scams from this link.


We conclude that the Magiccrystal website has been exposed to the sale of healing stones on the online market. We found reviews and comments about the magical crystal on the official website and on the Internet. The Magic Crystal website has a 60% trust rating. Based on Magiccrystals reviews and legitimacy information, Magic Crystal’s website appears to be legitimate and power users can try its products. Read more about credit card fraud.

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