Webiste Review

Joytidy Reviews {August} Is This A Legit Or Scam Website?

Joytidy Reviews

Joytidy reviews show the real face of the website with customer complaints and product quality.

Are you someone who likes to keep your surroundings clean and tidy? Is a clean environment good? Maybe you worked hard to maintain it. In such cases, people in the UK and similar countries use appliances and accessories for household and office cleaning. So in this article we will talk about one such website and its rave reviews

From the website

The Joytidy website is dedicated to helping customers with their cleaning skills. They want to give customers an easy cleaning job so they can spend more time on their other interests. They also offer many organizational items to help keep our homes organized.

Selected products:

Household cleaners, spinners, clothes, stain removers, magic cleaning brushes, ultrasonic cleaners, microfiber cloths, pet cleaners, car cleaners
Bathroom, kitchen, cupboard and pantry hooks.
Men’s and women’s clothing
Toys and gifts
Is Jotidy legal? Since their primary value is customer satisfaction, the website must be authentic to delight the buyers of its products.

Customers can purchase at: https://joytidy.com/ .
Email address: customer@joytidy.com
Address: 6 Hawley Street, Romash, Rotherham, S62 5AA, England
Contact: +44 7469013514
Social Media Activity: Modern social media activity is a way to attract customers, but they could not otherwise. Inactive on social media.
Content originality: 43%.
Return Policy: Customers must return the product within 14 days of receipt of delivery.
Customer Reviews: Joytidy reviews are available online but not on the official website

Privacy: They have provided specific details of their efforts to protect customer data and have implemented their policies using UK data protection laws.

Shipping order: Free shipping on orders over €20 and purchases under €20; An additional €5 delivery fee will be added. 15-25 days for product delivery within the UK.
Return Policy: You can return the product if you are satisfied with it after a thorough review.
Payment methods: Paypal and card.
JoyTD reviews are available online but they have very low ratings so you need to analyze the site in depth.

Good stuff

They offer multiple outlets and warehouses so you can buy everything from one place.
Three payment options
Free delivery on orders over €20.


They reported an unrealistic discount on many products. Premium and combo discounts are also available. That would not be a viable option for any website.
Customers complain about poor quality products and slow website design.

Legal assessment

Is Jotidy legal? It must overcome some important technical tests to ensure its legality.

Domain Life: The Joytid website was created on 17/03/2022, so the domain life is five months.
Domain Expiration: Joytide Website Short Domain Expires 17/03/2023
Author Name: Website Author is GoDaddy.com LLC
Data security: The HTTPS protocol is available on the website and facilitates data security.
Trust rating for the portal: only 2%.
Score: 60 in SEO
Alexa rank:
Transfer content: 57%.
Company name: Not specified
Customer Reviews: Joitidi reviews have been released but not good reviews and reviews from their customers

Summary of assessments

According to online sources, this site only got a 1.7 rating and many people complained about the poor quality of the products. Products are distributed at a slow rate. And customers have complained that they have been given extremely wrong sizes and that some people have not received their refunds correctly.

So this site doesn’t get a good rating because of poor customer service. We haven’t found any customer reviews on their website yet. So this page doesn’t look legitimate. Readers can view credit card fraud data.


So the Joytidy Reviews article explained the nature of the site and this particular site doesn’t seem legit because it scored low on the trust index and many people complained about the site.

In fact, some people claim to copy product images from other websites and sell them as their own because they offer very low quality. Readers can also read this PayPal scam article. For more information. Did you find this article helpful? Feel free to share your cleaning habits with us in the comments section.

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