
How To Get The Starry Magpie Badge {May 2022} Find Out Here!

How To Get The Starry Magpie Badge

The Star Magpie badge is a special reward for events. You can earn badges by completing a series of missions in Themis Tears Summer Show. Summer Breeze is a special event currently in Tears of Themis where players can participate in daily and weekly events. You can get rewards like the Star Magpie symbol and SR cards like Marius. Let’s see how to get the Magpie Badge star on Themis Tears.

Steps to get the Star Magpie badge

The Starry Magpie is an event specific badge that can be unlocked by completing seven rounds of the Summer Breeze event. Players can collect Summer Wind dice and load up dice by completing daily missions. These dice will allow you to participate in summer events with lots of activities. Upon completion of missions, players will receive wish coins. These coins can be used in the hardware store to purchase many rare items as a prophecy of justice. To receive the Starred Magpie badge, players must complete all seven rounds of the Summer Breeze event. The Star Magpie badge is one of the biggest rewards you can get from the Summer Breeze event.

In addition to the Star Magpie symbol, players can also receive many more rewards. Some of the other prizes are 2 lots, some S-chips and even a Marius SR card. This event will run until August 26, so you’ll have plenty of chances to earn the Star Magpie badge and Marius SR card. Getting SR cards is very difficult, so players should try to get Marius SR cards during the event. Try to identify yourself every day and carry out a daily routine. It can also lead to many rewards and more weekly searches.

That’s all, check out our article to learn how to pay for the old Tears of Themis helper card game.

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