
How To Fix “BDO Stuck On Now Processing” Error In {May 2022} Get The Details!

How To Fix “BDO Stuck On Now Processing” Error In

Black Desert Online (BDO) is one of the most popular online games from the Korean developer Pearl Abyss. It’s been about five years since Microsoft released Windows, but many gamers still love the game, but there are still gamers who get the “Stuck on Now Processing” error when they start playing BDO.

There are dozens of players using Reddit currently working on Steam due to Black Desert being unable to play online. If you have problem with BDO, don’t worry, we have many solutions that can fix BDO error by 2022.

How to Fix BDO Currently Blocked Error in 2022

1. Check server status

The first thing to check is whether the server is working or not, because when the server is repaired, BDO will get this error. To check the server status, you need to check the game’s official Twitter handle and subtitle.

2. Restart the router and the computer

This may be the main fix, but BDO has players reporting crashes using this method. All you have to do is restart the router and then restart the computer.

3. Check the game files

Please check your game files as most players experiencing BDO errors are now on Steam. If you’re having trouble finding a corrupted file, follow these steps.

Right-click the Black Desert Online button in the Steam Library.
Click “Properties”.
Click on the “Files Files” tab.
Click the “Confirm Error File Integrity” button.

4. Use a VPN

If the above solution doesn’t fix the BDO screen blocking error, you can use a VPN to fix it. Once the VPN setup is complete, open the Game Launcher.

5. Reinstall BDO

If none of the above solutions worked for you, then you have no choice but to rebuild the game. We all know that reinstalling a BDO takes a lot of time, but it is the last option that can be used to fix an error currently running on BDO.

Here are five fixes to fix BDOs stuck rendering screen errors in 2022. If you have already solved this problem in a new way, please let us know in the comment section below.

Here’s what you need to know to fix the remaining BDOs.

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