
Ancient Forest China Sinkhole (May-2022) What You Need To Know!

Ancient Forest China Sinkhole

This post provides Ancient Forest China Sinkhole information to help readers learn more about a giant sinkhole discovered in China with the forest as a backdrop.

Sinkhole discovered in China? Is it too deep or does it have a forest? There are many interesting facts circulating about the recent discovery of a giant sinkhole in China. Users in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and other global areas are often drawn to discoveries and natural phenomena.

Are you fascinated by natural discoveries and curious about recent discoveries? Then check the Ancient Forest China Sinkhole facts via the post below.

What is the latest revelation from China?

China recently unveiled a 630-foot sinkhole containing a vast ancient forest. Chinese treasure hunters were amazed when they discovered a huge 630-foot sinkhole, and beneath it was a forest with possibly another existence.

The hole is among 30 documented sinkholes in Leye County, south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, according to the Xinhua News Agency. Chen Lixin led the Guangxi 702 Cave Investigation Team that found the crack. He said he wouldn’t be surprised if other life forms were discovered in these caves that science had never recognized or identified before.

China’s ancient sink forest:

Chinese treasure hunters have found a huge 630-foot sinkhole with a burgeoning forest at the bottom. The “massive” sinkhole stretched more than 629 feet deep, 492 feet wide and 1,000 feet long, according to Zhang Yuanhai, chief engineer with the China Geological Survey Institute of Karst Geology. Meanwhile, the volume reached 176,573,333 cubic feet.

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swamp functions:

The sinkhole included three internal caverns formed by erosion when it originally surfaced. According to Lixin, the most impressive aspect of the Ancient Forest China Sinkhole was a fully preserved ancient forest world with over 130 feet of prehistoric-looking trees. Eventually, the adventurers’ shoulders were covered with dense vegetation.

Trees weren’t the only creatures to inhabit the void, however. According to George Veni, executive director of the Karst Research and National Cave Institute, George Veni, who was not involved in the research, such sinkholes can create an oasis of simple living.

Additional data on sinks:

Recurring landslides in karst areas or regions where bedrock tends to dissolve with groundwater are the source of giant sinkholes, often referred to as giant sinkholes or sinkholes. Like the Ancient Forest China Sinkhole, they are mainly discovered in Papua New Guinea, Mexico and China, according to Xinhua.

The karst method considers the level, which can vary radically due to local climate, geology and other factors. Hence, you can see these aesthetically amazing karsts in China, with huge cave entrances, large sinkholes, etc.

Also read here to learn more about Ancient Sinkholes.


Treasure hunters were eager to hear the details as China broke news of the discovery of a massive 630-foot sinkhole. This well is one of the thirty documented sinkholes in southern China, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Leye County.

The Ancient Forest China Sinkhole is one of the thirty sinkholes discovered in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of southern China. Have you read about an old sinkhole? Then share the wonders of nature in the comments section.

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