
Club Penguin Rewritten Codes {June} Read Trending Topic!

Club Penguin Rewritten Codes

Club Penguin Rewritten Codes: Here is a list of the latest codes that can be used in the rewritten Club Penguin game!

Code has been rewritten for Club Penguin

We provide all immediate information and regular updates regarding the new Penguin Club Code. Total number of reward players gained on this game so far: +10. Valid gift code status: +3. Here is the Club Penguin Revrite wiki showing the code list:-

SECTION: Order added July 6, 2021. Copy: -.

OLOLKFAMILY: The order was postponed to June 29, 2021. copy: -.

BETAHAT2021: Code added on June 25, 2021. copy: -.

BETAHAT2021 month
FREE: Use this code to get X1 Dark Vision glasses, Dark Suit, Black Belt and Dark Glasses (added 6.5.2021). copy: -.

the ship has returned
TERWORK SECURITY: Get this prize and get a laptop. Check out this copy of the advertisement notice:-

network security
FREEHOOD2: Use this gift certificate to get yourself a green t-shirt. Check out this copy of the advertisement notice:-

to be released

FREE: Scan this gift code for an English hoodie. Check out this copy of the advertisement notice:-


Club Penguin Wiki has rewritten this code

BUILDING – Change this code for X reward (8.7.22021 added)
OLOLKFAMILY: Redeem This Code For X Reward (added 29/06/2021)
BETAHAT2021: Earn X Rewards with this code (added on 25/6/2021)
Retrieved from “ sunglasses, white dresses, black belts, sunglasses”.
TERVORK SECURITY: use this code to get your X1 laptop (added 7/7/2017) (permanent)
FREEHOOD2: Get this X1 Green Cross Stripe Hoodie with this code (added March 18, 2017) (valid permanently)
FREE: Get this X1 UK hoodie with this code (added on 18 March 2017) (valid permanently)
Copies copied from the Penguin Club have a limited time limit; These rewards expire in a few days, so you need to buy them right away and use rewards from in-game achievements. We’re looking for new codes for this game, so we recommend checking this page regularly.

Enter the receipt code as shown above using one number, uppercase and lowercase letters to avoid errors with the gift code.

Expiration code

As mentioned above, the reserve rule only applies for a limited period of time. We share all the raw code below. You can use these expired codes and see if they work for you:-

iaftJiXK – Unlock this code for X Rewards (added 1.9.2021)
HxomceEd – Get X Rewards With This Code (Added 29 Aug 2021)
JuFauPrX – Get Reward X with this code (added on 27 August 2021)
yooCgoLF – Unlock this code for X Rewards (added on 26 Aug 2021)
RZVKkUPn – Earn this reward with this code (added August 25, 2021)
oXZYmKwQ – Redeem This Code For X Reward (Added 24 Aug 2021)
WXxGnWjdD – Use this rule to get X reward (added on 28 July 2021)
IepCkKrT2 – Replace this code for X reward (added on 27 July 2021)
5zqwJu1sO: Enter this code for X Reward (added on July 26, 2021)
XmsY27uqb – Get this code for Reward X (Added July 25, 2021)
qD1TeTtP1 – Get this code for Reward X (Added on 23 July 2021)
tUxbPOVXd – Unlock this code for Reward X (added July 21, 2021)
jVUA1kNAK – Get X Award with this code (added on 20 July 2021)
XJDGwb2iF – Use these rules to get X reward (added July 19, 2021)
123456789101112: Get this code for Reward X (Added on 17 July 2021)
Football: Get X Rewards with this code (added on 12 July 2021)
OFFER: Get this X2500 coin, black plating, complete with this code (added 2.5.2021 / expires June 2021)
FORBROKEPENGUINS: Unlock this code for X reward (added 06.22.2021)
ORDIGINAL PERSPECTIVE – Get This Code and Get X Reward (Added June 8, 2021)
COINSFORFURNI: save this code and get X reward (added 05.27.2021)
UPDATED: Use this code to get the X1 Khaki Travel Vest, Blue Travel Vest, Yellow Travel Vest (updated 10.5.2021).
CANADA21: Get your X1 Red shoes with this code (added July 1, 2021)
the last ball

FINALLY BALLCAPS: Open this gift code and get useful stuff
MONEY: Open this code for 20K coins
Animals21: Open this gift code and find something useful
LOVEANIMALS21: X3 clothing, open this gift code for 10K coins
vo5Xbkjra: Open this gift code and find something useful
ZaBpMQMoK: Open this gift code and find something useful
i8GmE4A5e: Scan this gift code and find something useful
q7yXfo7YU: Scan this gift code for more useful content
NXD7WqECh: Open this gift code and get Red Hat
ustjAMs8H: Open this gift code to get a refund
hB9ar4Wu7: Open this gift code to get an acid guitar!
N72dXvnJz: Open this gift code to get Lei Hawaii
iJQT3C5aG: Open this Gold Jet Pack gift code
BUGSBUNNY21: Enter this gift code and get 1,000 cash, Yellow Bunny Ears (Posted April 4, 2021)
GREENPROPELLER20: Open this green propeller letter gift code (registered April 2, 2021)
EASTER BREAK: 5,000 coins, open this gift code for the Blueberry Bunny shirt (registered March 27, 2021)
Online Security: Get This Portable Gift Code (Shipped July 7, 2017)
FREEHOOD2: Request a quote code with green cross-hatched hoodie (submitted March 18, 2017)
FREE: Get UK Hoodie Promo Code (Published March 18, 2017)
STIMMY: Get this gift code for a reward
SHAMROCKPACK: Get this gift code for a reward
HELLOMARCH: Get this gift code for a reward
VALENTINES21: Request this gift code for 5,000 coins, a heart-shaped hoodie (sent February 14, 2021)
zTy3Mhm8d: Get 3 items from Treasure Book Series 2 using this gift code (posted December 11, 2020)
30KCOINS: Get this gift code and get 30,000 coins (shipped December 11, 2020)
CARDJITSU3003: Request These Five Card Jitsu Gift Tags (March 30, 2020)
KARDDECK: Get these five card Jitsu Reward codes (sent June 2, 2018)
GIDENPUFFLE: Get the Puffle Whistle Gift Code (March 18, 2017)
TAK20: Ask for this regular gift code in the box (sent on October 8, 2020)
THEFAIR20: Ask for this gift code for a tie-dyed shirt, sweet apple and 20,000 coins (sent September 29, 2020)
R6RKN4YNY: Require this gift code and get Scrub
AY3T2S2ND: Get this Puffle Care Sash Gift Code
M44YJRX8T: Open this gift code to get the Puffle Care cover
ARTER DAY: Request this gift code for Rock-Hopper, Snow Leopard clothing and elephant clothing
EASTERBUNNY: Get these Yellow Bunny fibers and a 2,000-coin gift code
BROWNHAT20: Ask for this gift code for a brown skater hat
CHACHING: Get this gift code and get $ 10,000
COFFEEAP: Get this coffee apron gift code
WELCOME: Request this EPF costume gift code
REDNOSE: Get this gift code for a reward
REDHOCKY: Ask for a red hockey jersey gift code
BLUEHOCKEY: Ask for the Blue Hockey Jersey gift code
50KPENGUINS: Get this Beta Grid Sweater gift code
100KPENGUINS: Get the blue skater hat reward code
HAPPY: Ask for this gift code for the green rabbit sneakers
WORLDPENGUIN: Get $ 10,000 with this Blue Crosshatched Hoodie Gift Code.
10KFOLLOWERS: This gift code is Black Diva Shades and Rs
MAKER: Require this gift code for a safety helmet and for safety
TYPE: Claim the reward code for wings
MUSICJAM: Get this MP3000 gift code
EDITOR: Get this Keytar gift code
CARD: Get this gift code and get Lei Island
CARDJITSU: Get this reward code for the Stone Ninja outfit
Video: Get this gift code and get Blue Lei
1 MILLION: Get this gift code for Ocean Blue, Beta Hat t-shirts and 2,000 cash
CPBIRTHDAY: Ask for this gift code for party hat dress
SUITUPEPF: Ask for this Elite Body Armor gift code
ONEYEARUS: Get this shiny pore gift code
2 MILLION: Get this gift code and get Sunset Rent and Rs
MUSICJAM18: This gift code for a white gift guitar and Rs
MJ18HOODIE: Ask this black penguin team Hoodie gift code
CONGRATULATIONS 1: Get this gift code for $ 5,000
REDVSBLUE1: Ask for a red background and a gift code for a blue background
FALLFAIR18: Ask for this gift code for tie dye shirt

APPLEFAIR18: Get this gift card and get a sweet apple and 500 coins
CJDEVCAST18: Get this Gift Code and get hands on Jitsu cards
DEVCAST18: Request this gift card and receive a 1-year anniversary dress
HALLOWEEN18: Get this gift code and get the green gown
CARDFIR: Receive this gift card and receive a five card jitsu card
CHRISTMAS 18: Get this code and pick up the Candycane scarf
ANIVERSARY2: Get this gift code and get a T -shirt for the 2nd anniversary
REDNOSEDAY19: Get this gift code and get a red nose
ACTIVITY 1: Receive this gift code and receive a bucket list, lots of cherry blossoms and 500 coins.
ORANGEPODS: Get this free gift and get an Orange MP3000
CANADA19: Receive this gift card and receive red lycia glasses and 500 coins
FUNFAIR19: Receive this gift code and receive a stuffed rabbit with 500 coins
MILESTONE20: Get this gift card and get an e-reader
THIRD: Get this gift code and get the third shirt with 3000 coins.
PINKSHIRT20: Receive this gift code and receive a pink ball shirt and 1000 coins
POTOGOLD: Receive this gift card and earn Pot O’Gold and 1000 coins
TIME 150: Receive this gift code and pick up the newspaper cap

How do I purchase Club Penguin code rewriting?

To purchase the re-written Club Penguin code, visit the official website of the game (link below)-> After downloading the game, click on the website download icon. Then choose a penguin, register, then select “I have a code” and enter the code.

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