Animal Legends Wiki 2022 has the latest list of OP codes that use Roblox codes. Get the latest active codes and get amazing rewards.
The legend code animal Wiki 2022 Roblox
We provide the fastest update and complete information on the new and working Pet Legends Wiki 2022 Roblox code. On this page you will find new code updates and check out the Roblox game code library. The following Pet Legends code displays the wiki with the latest attribute code: –
Animal Legend Codes Wiki 2022 [UPDATE]
HappyEaster – Pure Code for X Boost Pack and Crystal (T NEWZE)
Hacker – Clear the code and get the X Boost Pack and Crystal
Bee House: Clear this code and get bundles and confirmation crystals
cube: Remove this code and confirm “Pack and Crystals”
Happy New Year: Clear this code and get an enhancement package
fireworks: Clear this code and get a fireworks display
Ty500000: Remove this code and get the legendary beast
Happy Holidays: Clear this code and get 10 million snowflakes
Pet Legends codes are time -limited; These gift codes will expire in a few days, so you should return them as soon as possible and request a reward for the game to continue. We’re reviewing new codes for this game, so we encourage you to visit this page regularly.
To avoid gift code errors, enter the game payment code as listed above, including special characters and lowercase (upper and lowercase) letters.
Old codes
As mentioned above, payment codes only work for a specific time period. Below we have shared all the obsolete codes. You can try these old codes to see if they work for you: –
RamiYT: Remove this code and get the XBoost package
package: remove this code and get the X Boosts package
retro: Remove this code and add damage X 3x
Update 4: Remove this code and get X 2x Triple Coin Boost and 2x Lucky Boost
15 favorites: Clear this code and add X 2x with three coins
Halloween2: Remove this code and get X Triple Money Boost
Halloween: Remove this code and get the X Triple Money Boost
Boosts10k: Clear this code and get X 2x Triple Coin Boost and 2x Happiness Boost
Update 2: Remove this code and get X Super Lucky Boost
SuperLucky: Remove this code and get X Super Lucky Boost
Part 4: Remove this code and get X support
1m: Delete this code and get X 1m bird
Future: Clear this code and you will receive $ 10,000 cash
thx3k: delete this code and you will get X6000 gold
Frequently asked questions about animal explanation codes
How to use codes in animal stories?
The way to buy Pet Legends is very simple, just follow these steps: –
Step 1. Animal Legends Roblox
Step 2) Click the Twitter icon on the side of the screen
Step 3) Enter the code and accept the prize
How do you get legends about so many animals?
The game’s official social media platforms include new entries to Pet Legends such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit and the official Discord. Game creators often offer gift codes for specific occasions, such as game moments, popular events, collaborations, and special occasions. We will update this gift code list with new purchase codes when they become available. You can bookmark this page and check for new codes regularly.
For Pet Legends Code Wiki 2022 this message: 2022 codes. If you have new code, leave a comment below. We will be happy to help if you need help getting the codes; Write a comment below.
ANSWER; Sometimes the codes run out too quickly, some of the codes we mentioned above may not work, so if the code doesn’t work, please let us know in the comments section below. We will remove him from the list so that other players do not get angry. Thanks for visiting this game code wiki page.