The latest version of Asphalt 9 Legends has been released for Android and iOS and has added a special room where players can play against club friends.
Gameloft’s Asphalt 9 Legends arcade racing game has received its first update. Expansion of the new Asphalt 9 Legends with two new drives, daily performance objectives, runtime and manual changes. Continuing in a position where most people will get better rewards. Here, the club competition is most prominent. With our friends we play Asphalt 9 Legends; Challenge your friends! Learn how to do it and take part in a football tournament!
How to play Asphalt 9 with your friends
First, you must be in the same club as your friends. You can build a club by spending fifty coins. When you’re done, call your friends. Go to the My Club menu and click the settings button -> click Options -> enter your friend’s player ID (player ID in player menu; from home screen -> click car avatar button just click on top / -> add id -> add invitation -> send invitation When your friend is sent, ask him to open the game -> go to the home menu -> Connect -> I want to see the invitation -> ask him to join you. ).
If you are in a club or with a friend, click “My Club” in the main game menu or go to the “Club Locations” tab. Click the Racing Club button at the bottom of the screen.
Play Asphalt 9 Legends with your friends
Play Asphalt 9 Legends with your friends. Then click the “Create” button at the top right to create a custom contest. Click the Move button to go to the Race section where you can select a place or route on the line. 1, 2, 3. When done, click Create. Select Login -> click Reset. With this Asphalt 9 Legends app, you can call up to eight friends. Your friend will join you at this meeting; Ask them to go to My Servant screen -> click the menu button -> join. So;
If your friend is competing and you want to enter, click the menu button (chat menu) -> you will see the invitation -> click Connect to participate in affiliate competition. Once done, click the start button (this can be done from the server). Note: –
You can invite your friends to come to the club if they are on the same platform. For example, if your friend is playing Asphalt 9 Legends on Android and you are using the iOS platform, you cannot invite your friends to come to the club.
If your friend is already at the club, ask him or her to leave the club first.
But so does the oil
This is the first upgrade of the game since its release worldwide. Create a beautiful gift venue, add new racing equipment to the car and club; Lotus Elise Speed 220 and Ferrari J50. You can read instructions on Asphalt 9 Legends here, lie and lie, and learn all about the game.
Asphalt 9 Legends: Here is a quick guide to play Asphalt 9 with your friends.