
Family Island Cheats {June 2022} Know The Right Answer!

Family Island Cheats

Family Island Tips, Tricks and Guides

In the Family Island game, follow the symbols displayed on the left side of the screen. When you complete them, the game rewards you with valuable rewards; in game stars / EXP, energy, ruby, etc. must reach a higher level. t. As you reach game levels, unlock new buildings and decorations that you can buy from the market. Each building offers a different structure for families; for example ,, you can cook a recipe with fire. Serve dinner. In this post, we’ve shared Family Island tips, tricks and manuals for beginners! Do I need help? Comment below!

Family Island Tricks: Level Rewards

Currently, the highest level in the game Family Island 47 is one. A new element is revealed in each element. In this list of scammers we have listed everything that has not been disclosed to any extent.

Level 1: alfalfa, grass, sticks, roots, rocks and tree branches.
Class 2: Roasted Root, Salt, Twin
Level 3: bast, scraper
Class 4: goat feed, milk, skin
Level 5: place
Level 6: Gold Collector, Gold Key, Gold Mark, Gold Saving
Grade 7: Corn, feathers, eggs, plums, eggs at islands
Level 8: Cones, Tablets, Emeralds, Stone I, Treasure Island
Level 9: amber, clay, claw
Level 10: clay bowl, candle
Level 11: soup, tomatoes
Level 12: Acid, Ax, Island of the Sun.
Level 13: Meat, fried meat
Level 14: Needle, Gold Mine, Red Island, Jump Island
Level 15: Gloves, petrol
Level 16: pepper, knife, salad
Level 17: Resin
Level 18: clay pot, milk, mashed potatoes
Level 19: torches, soap, magic, bricks
Level 20: card, ladder, head, red island
Level 21) Porsy, wheat, butter
Level 22: Gold, fun
Level 23: Coopererts, Auckland, Forest Island
Level 24: Skin
Level 25: cheese, cream Cheese Soup
Level 26: cotton, comb, bag
Niva 27: palm tree, pottery, palm leaf, lost island
Level 28: Mineral Blue, Blue, Lapis Lazuli
Level 29. Button, button
Level 30: Big Rock
Level 31: fireplace, ash, plate, sponge, island of wood
Level 32: Tiles
Level 33: lime block, flour, bread, sandwich
Level 34: Fingers
Level 35: Nails, Bricks, Meteorite Key, Meteorite Image / Block / Ore / Egg (Mysterious Island)
Level 36: Rules
Level 37: Palm Rays
Level 38: Articles
Level 39: Amphora, Ta-Bourin
Level 40: barrel
Level 41: Sunflower
Level 42: Chain
Grade 43: Crushing Stone, Anchor, Magic Stone, Cactus Juice, and Rusty Equipment (Invention Island)
Class 44: Sunflower oil, white
Level 45: metal ore, metal hook, iron key, photo pieces, mountain rock (iron island)
Level 46: Tree Light, Cold Island
Level 47: Iron Pipe, Map Island

Use the store to find out the origin of the product

Because there is so much in the game, it’s hard to remember where it came from. For example: salt, carrots, goat food, corn, etc. The repository can help you if you do not know how to get something specific. Click at the bottom right (next to Market Settings), on the Warehouse box. The store is open, you can check what is not open; base, food, rare, etc.

Click on an item to check the source. For example, if you touch a salt, the game will show you where you found it. Salt can be found in starfish, rocks, groceries or gift bags. Then click on the blue magnifying glass icon and the game will take you to the source. For example, algae will drift into the fire.

Get free energy on Family Island
Island games for family
One of the best ways to get free energy on Family Island without cheating or hacking is to serve family meals. First, make the recipe over the fire. Click fire and drag the recipe to the production block. Remove from heat while cooking. Then go to the dining room table and close the plate.

Finally click on the plate / hook / spoon icon. It will be like family members and they will start together for dinner. So if you do not have energy, then feed them.

Tips on how to get to the family island quickly

Shrubs, grasses, trees, rocks, etc. use the stars you can get from things like. We encourage you to pay attention to the missions – you will get a lot of stars / EXP after completing tasks, which will help you get out quickly.

Plus, research helps you learn things faster. The amendments also opened up new islands.

Business is a wasted investment for customers
When you reach level 7, the Client task will open. Click on the port vendor to confirm your request. Fill your order և get special rewards և by making small orders. These businesses include food, energy, locks, etc. To find gold keys, see the list of rare light keys below.

Expanding and improving the community on Family Island
Explain: remove the device from the road and go higher. Climb the stairs to open a new island. These islands should be mentioned. You will be paid to work there.
Ask for a totem for empty power
Build a totem pole on the island during the show. It provides free electricity every few hours. Make sure you ask for a free quote.

Here are some of the best Family Island tips, tricks and tricks in this post. See Family Island Getting Started Guide ցանկ List of Scams.

How to move a room or equipment to a family island?

Hold a room or item for a few minutes to move to Family Island. When you do this, it turns green ,: you can draw a hole if you want.

How can you stop the rain or do something else when there is no energy or no feeling?
Wood, grass, stone, etc. You can’t leave an enclosed space until you find the item, as shown in the video above, the foam disappears once you remove the wood and lumber. Then destroy the object first, then hide it. If it says the location is not available, the number may decrease.

How did Rubin get involved with Peresari?

Ruby is a valuable in -game currency that can be used to restore energy or achieve business success. Rubies can be purchased from gift shops on the island. You will receive some gifts for window cleaning և you will get a new place. Open this gift box while cleaning և get a free pomegranate. And with these programs.
How to find the key that opens the heart? Family Island – a board game
You will see a box near the bay. From this box you can earn coins, play with coins, etc. You can get useful rewards, such as Mana finding the key to unlock. And how do you get the key? You will receive a temporary purchase key after the process is complete. Use the keys to open the box.

Family Island – Farm Tour ::.
Gersboski’s name:
write the protocol
lee from:
movement piano
see article
he is here
that accusation
Goldmalm tea
Petta Group:
to imitate
where are you from … where are you from?
getting blue
date stone
date leaves

Edit to open something new.

Family Island Cheats. Island Cheat List:

The island is nearby. Open stage 8. Final assignment. open the second hole and turn off the light. Danger Island; Open stage 10. Final assignment. Build a bridge on the left side of the island. Come to the island. Open stage 12. Final assignment. Design and build the first island. Purple Island. Level 14 opens. Last work. cut down all the flowers, add magnolia ornaments on the main island. The island has grown. Open Level 17: Final search. Select add convenience.
Red Island. Open Level 20. Jungle Island. Open Level 23. Lost Island. Level 23. Final call. Restore the pyramid. Tree Island. Level 31. Final assignment. Create resources և add to Islam. Hurricane Island – Hole 33. Final Action – Take the totem and place it on the main island. Secret Island. Level 35: Build a pyramid on the main island. Discovery Island. Level 43: Demolish old buildings լավ use them well. Iron Island. Level 45, collect iron և return to the main island.

Family Island Tricks. a good list of applications

Ash – Shaman fire ahia
Button – Give the shaman a chance
Lapis Lazuli – trade with customers, bright blue stone, blue stone
Lighting fixtures: commercial shaman, box, house, house.
Wave: shop with shaman, base, chest, house, 3 fishing rods
Feathers – grilled chicken րի, a kind of chicken
amber և polished stone; stone, brick, business
Bone marrow: spots: primary



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